Monday, 8 December 2008

Bibliography books (so far)

Gauntlett, David, (2002), 'Media, gender and identity' (published by Routlage)
- "Bond and moneypenny's flirtation could be seen as sexual harrasment"p49

Tuchman, Gaye, (1978), 'The symbolic annilation of women in the mass media'
- "symbolically annilated"

Gunter, Barry, (1995), 'Television and gender representation', London: John Libby
- "merely token females"

Turner, Graham, (1989:20), 'The film cultures reader'
- "figure in a landscape"

Gauntlett, David, (2002), 'Media, gender and identity' (published by Routlage)
- "His boss 'm' is now Judi Dench, an authoratative woman who tells him, 'you are a sexist mysoganistic dinosaur, a relic from the cold war'. Bond isn't used to this kind of thing. p49

Gauntlett, David, (2002), 'Media, gender and identity' (published by Routlage)
- "Although bond changes little, the female characters have become more resourceful as the series progressed". p49

Mulvey, Laura, (1975), 'Visual pleasure and narrative cinema'
- "Woman then stands in the patriachal culture as signifier for the male other, bound by a symbolic order in which man can live out his phantasies and obsessions through linguistic command by imposing them on the silent image of women still tied to her place as bearer of meaning not maker of meaning"

Mulvey, Laura, (1975), 'Visual pleasure and narrative cinema'
- "The image of woman as (passive) raw material for the (active) gaze.....The arguement returns again to the psychoanalytic background that woman as representation signifies castration".

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